Në këto fshatra nuk njihen shuma nga turistët, pasi janë në zona të thella malore.
Në këto 25 vende ka një bukuri natyrore fantastike, ku banorët e këtyre fshatarave janë me të vërtetë me fat që jetonjë aty.
Pamja piktoreske, bukuria natyrore, gatimet tradicionale, ajri I patër janë disa nga cilësitë që janë të pakufijshme në këto vende.
B0E499 Getaria BASQUE COUNTRY Spain
DG17FX Giornico village on the Ticino River, Canton Ticino, Switzerland, Europe
ECKDCG Austria, Tyrol, Hall in Tirol, medieval city, the parish church St Nicolas’s Stadtpfarrkirche on the central place Oberer Stadtplatz
ACA42T Post mill, Koguva, Muhu island, Estonia
B8B4E8 A view up the high street in Lavenham,Suffolk,Uk. Image shot 2009. Exact date unknown.
BEP00B Portugal, the Alentejo, Marvao town at sunset
Russia, Ivanovo Oblast, Golden Ring, Plyos of Volga River
D2EPBW square, Slavonice (German Zlabings) South Bohemian, Czech Republic. Slavonice lies on the border with Austria
ca. 1995-2002, St. Mawes, Carrick, Cornwall, England, UK — Motorboats Moored in Harbor at St. Mawes — Image by © Richard Klune/Corbis
C04BBJ Traditional French architecture in St Genies in the Perigord region, France
AM52H0 West Terschelling
E93DMR Beach at Tisvildeleje, Denmark
B33860 Spain, Costa Brava, Ullastret, excavations, antique city wall